Nurture the next generation

Study early childhood education and get qualified in a career you can love

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Study with an expert in early childhood education

At Selmar we support you throughout your entire learning journey!

✓ Online or workplace study modes

Dedicated trainer support from start to finish

✓ Ongoing access to study support resources

Practical placement we can help organise

✓ 18+ years' sector experience

✓ Government funding* and payment plans


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Our Trusted Early Childhood Courses

CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care


Delivery modes and duration: Workplace or distance – 12 months: Online learning followed by workplace/placement observations.

Practical placement: 180 hours (2 days per week, 7.5 hours a day) in a long day care environment that we can help you organise.

Job outcomes: Early learning educator, kindergarten assistant, family day care educator, nanny/in-home carer.

Entry requirements:

  • Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) skills must meet required standards for ACSF LEVEL 2.
  • A current Working With Children Check (WWCC) is required for practical placement.
  • Evidence of COVID-19 vaccinations may be required by a service to undertake your practical placement.^

Fees and funding: Government funding for eligible applicants*, Interest-free payment plans available.


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CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care


Delivery modes and duration: Workplace or distance – 12 months: Online learning followed by workplace/placement observations.

Practical placement: 280 hours (2 days per week, 7.5 hours a day) in a long day care environment that we can help you organise.

Job outcomes: Early learning educator, kindergarten assistant, family day care educator, nanny/in-home carer.

Entry requirements:

  • Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) skills must meet required standards for ACSF LEVEL 3.
  • A current Working With Children Check (WWCC) is required for practical placement.
  • Evidence of COVID-19 vaccinations may be required by a service to undertake your practical placement.^
  • Must hold a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care qualification (CHC30113  or CHC30121).

Fees and funding: Government funding for eligible applicants*, VET student loans**, Interest-free payment plans available.


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CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management

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Delivery mode and duration: Distance (online) – 18 months

Job outcomes: Program area manager, community education manager, community services manager, volunteer program manager.

Entry requirements: 

  • Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) skills must meet required standards for ACSF LEVEL 3.
  • Have a sound understanding of legislation, practices and standards applicable to the overall operation of an ACECQA approved education and care service .
  • Currently employed in an education and care service; and
    - In a management, second in charge or room leader role, or 
    - Hold a Diploma qualification or above relevant to the community services sector and aspire to undertake any of the above roles.

Please note: If you are not in a management role, you will need to have employer support to be able to complete a range of tasks within the workplace.

Fees and funding: Government funding for eligible applicants*, VET student loans**, Interest-free payment plans available.


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*This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government Funding to eligible individuals.
Fee for service options also available. Click here for fees and charges.

**VET Student Loans is available to eligible applicants. Click here for full details.
For full course details, click here.


^ While not a Government public health mandate, individual services have the choice to require evidence of vaccination against COVID-19 and other illnesses. Depending on the service you attend and their vaccination policy, this may affect your ability to undertake practical placement. Selmar has no authority over the decisions made by individual services and cannot warrant you will be able to be placed elsewhere if you are unable to attend an early childhood service because of your vaccination status and will not be responsible for any impact which this may cause on your ability to complete your course requirements.

Passionate trainers and support team


Kylie Jackson

Work Placement Coordinator

Kylie takes great pride in making practical placement a valuable and positive experience. She really gets to know the learners she is finding work placement for, so that she can provide them with the best hands-on learning opportunities that suit their individual needs.


Stacey Earles

LLN Support Coordinator

Stacey brings many years of experience supporting individuals with their reading and writing skills to the role of a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Coordinator. She loves interacting with learners and empowering them to discover their own abilities and seeing their confidence develop.


Robert Gould

Learner Success Manager

Robert is extremely passionate about supporting learners with practical issues as well as personal challenges. By providing access to useful resources and assistance, Robert helps learners overcome challenges, and succeed throughout their studies.


of our learners were satisfied with the overall quality of their training.



of our learners would recommend us as their training provider.



of our learners gained employment after training with us.


*NCVER VET Student Outcomes Survey 2023

Why choose Selmar?

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Experienced, caring trainers

Your dedicated trainer will guide and mentor you throughout every step of your learning journey, including while on placement.

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Dedicated learner success team

Our passionate learner success team will provide study support and help you navigate any learning obstacles.

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Sector specialists

With 18+ years' experience, our team of 140+ experienced sector professionals are waiting to mentor you.

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Variety of delivery modes

Study online, in the workplace or by virtual classroom. Whichever you choose, you will be supported every step of the way.

Interactive online learning combined with dedicated support

Interactive learning with videos and quizzes

Easy to use dashboard and notifications

Ongoing access to technical support

Individualised feedback on all assessments

Online study support sessions 


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Hear from our learners about studying with Selmar

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